Monday, December 23, 2019

The Significance of the Social Security Act to Social Work...

It’s the 1930s and the United States of America is in turmoil. Banks are closing, the stock market has crashed and people are losing their homes and jobs. Everyone in America is suffering from the Great Depression. The Great Depression began in 1929 when the stock markets crashed; this was the beginning of ten long years of economic suffering for those in America. With many out of jobs and homes, it was time for a change to happen. With the election of Roosevelt in 1933, something new was on its way. During Roosevelts first 100 days in office, his administration passed legislation that aimed to stabilize industrial and agricultural production, create jobs and stimulate recovery. (AE Television Networks, 2013). As his presidency†¦show more content†¦The goal was to ensure that families stayed intact and that they received help so that they could make through everyday life. other goals of social security are to In order for that goal to be a reality, there had to be pr ovision as to who could and receive the aid. The first sets of provision to look at are those for the benefits of those of old-age. The social security act is supposed to provide income for those who have retired at an old age. One the provision for this was that Old-age benefits would be paid to all employees based upon the received wages when they were employed. However, this didn’t apply to those who were farmers, worked from home, people who worked on boat, employees of the government, employees of a carrier, and employees of a non-profit organization. In addition, in order to receive these benefits one has to be at least 65 years of age, could not have received less than 2,000 total wages after December 31st.1936, and before the age of 65 (Social Security , 2013). When it comes to receiving unemployment benefits, the provision consists of eight things. These provisions mostly have to do with the approval to receive these benefits by the state. The social security act created many programs to help those who were poor and couldn’t afford to take care of themselves just with their paychecks alone. These programs came with many provisions. This is whyShow MoreRelatedAttachment Theory on Socio-Emtionals Development of Children1435 Words   |  6 Pagescrucial role as a concept that informs social work practice, especially with Aboriginal parents despite the fact that its applicability with Aboriginal people is yet to be established. 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